Monday, November 28, 2011

Chronic Renal Failure

RESIN & 8 Pʼs

Excoriations (scratch marks)
Skin is yellow
Increased blood pressure
Nails are brown

Purpura and bruises
Pericarditis and cardiomegaly
Pleural effusions
Pulmonary oedema
Peripheral oedema
Proximal myopathy
Peripheral neuropathy

This mnemonics is for those who are searching for
Clinical Presentation of chronic renal failure, CRF, Chronic renal failure, mnemonics for chronic renal failure symptom, Mnemonics for dental, mnemonics for medicine, Mnemonics for physiology

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Auscultation Sites

" All Patients Take Medicines "

Starting from top left:
Aortic – 2nd intercostal space, right sternal edge
Pulmonary – 2nd intercostal space, left sternal edge
Tricuspid – 4th intercostal space, right sternal edge
Mitral – 5th intercostal space, mid-clavicular line

This mnemonics is for those who are searching for
Mnemonics for auscultation sites, mnemonics for chest auscultation, mnemonics for heart auscultation, heart, chest, 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Mnemonics for Various Tongue Conditions

Types of Tongues in Various Medical Conditions

Hunters Tongue/Moellers Tongue - Pernicious Anemia

Bald Tongue Of Sandwith - Niacin Deficiency (PELLAGRA)

Magenta Or Beefy Red Tongue - Riboflavin Deficiency

Scrotal Tongue - Fissure Tongue
[Rotten Fish]

Black Hairy Tongue - Prolonged Oral Use Of Antibiotics.
[BLACK And White HAIRS Are ANTI To Each Other]

Cerebriform Tongue - A Feature Of Pemphigus Vegetans.
[You need PEN(PEMphigus) To Fill The FORM(crebriFORM)]

This mnemonics is for those, who are looking for
Types of tongue mnemonics, tongue disorder mnemonics, Oral pathology mnemonics, Dental mnemonics, How to learn oral pathology, Pernicious anemia mnemonics, hunter tongue mnemonics, bald tongue mnemonics, riboflavin, strawberry mnemonics, scrotal mnemonics, black hairy tongue mnemonics, antibiotics mnemonics, pemphigus mnemonics, surgery mnemonics, oral medicine mnemonics, 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dose Of Antitubercular Drug

Indian Railways Ending Special Package
5 10 15 20 25 mg/kg

Isoniazide -5mg/kg
Rifampicin - 10mg/kg
Ethambutol - 15mg/kg
Streptomicin - 20mg/kg
Pyrizinamide - 25mg/kg

This memonics is for those who are searching for
Dental Mnemonics, Bds Mnemonics, Pharma Mnemonics, Pharmacology Mnemonics, Medical Mnemonics, Mnemonics For Dose, Anti tubercular Dose Mnemonics, dose of antituberclar drug mnemonics, dose of tb, dots mnemonics,

What To Ask During Case History

This Mnemonics Is Specially For 3rd year Students.


Chief Complaint: What is the problem?
Onset: what did it start?
Magnitude: is it mild,sever?
Pattern: Episodic,intermittent,constant?
Location:where it is?
Associated symptoms?
Improvement: what make it better?
Negative Stimuli: What makes worse?
Specific Episode: In past.

This Mnemonics Is For Those Who are looking For,
Dental mnemonics, BDS Mnemonics, BDS Study Material, Mnemonics for case history, Mnemonics for bds 3rd year, Oral Medicine mnemonics, oral surgery mnemonics,